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С настоящото Ви уведомяваме, че поканата за свикване на редовно годишно присъствено заседание на Общо събрание на акционерите на дружеството на 29.06.2021 г. в 10.00 часа местно време, а в координирано универсално време UTC 07:00 ч., в гр. София 1463, пл. България № 1, НДК, «ниско тяло», ет. 2 с уникален идентификационен код на събитието BOARD-GMS-2021 с ISIN код на емисията BG1100088076 е обявена в ТРРЮЛНЦ към Агенция по вписванията на 26.05.2021 г. под № 20210526114822.
Pursuant to the unaudited consolidated financial statements of BILLBOARD AD, drawn up according to the IAS/IFRS as of 31.03.2021 the company reported total net sales revenues in the amount of BGN 6 855 000 compared to BGN 7 315 000 for the same period of 2020 which represents a decrease of the net sales revenues by 6.29%. As of 31.03.2021 the consolidated production net sales revenues of BILLBOARD AD were in the amount of BGN 6 831 000 compared to the consolidated production net sales revenues registered by 31.03.2020 in the amount of BGN 7 296 000 which represents a decrease of the company’s consolidated production net sales revenues by 6.37 %.
BILLBOARD AD filed with FSC, BSE-Sofia AD and presented to the public its individual interim financial statements as of 31.03.2021.
BILLBOARD AD filed with FSC, BSE-Sofia AD and presented to the public its consolidated interim financial statements as of 31.12.2020.
BILLBOARD AD filed with FSC, BSE-Sofia AD and presented to the public its consolidated interim financial statements as of 30.09.2020.
BILLBOARD AD filed with FSC, BSE-Sofia AD and presented to the public its individual interim financial statements as of 30.09.2020.
BILLBOARD AD filed with FSC, BSE-Sofia AD and presented to the public its consolidated interim financial statements as of 30.06.2020.
BILLBOARD AD filed with FSC, BSE-Sofia AD and presented to the public its individual interim financial statements as of 30.06.2020.
BILLBOARD AD filed with FSC, BSE-Sofia AD and presented to the public its consolidated interim financial statements as of 31.03.2020.
BILLBOARD AD filed with FSC, BSE-Sofia AD and presented to the public its individual interim financial statements as of 31.03.2020.