БИЛБОРД АД представи на КФН, БФБ-София АД и обществеността междинен индивидуален финансов отчет към 31.12.2024 г.

БИЛБОРД АД представи на КФН, БФБ-София АД и обществеността междинен консолидиран финансов отчет към 30.09.2024 г.

БИЛБОРД АД представи на КФН, БФБ-София АД и обществеността междинен индивидуален финансов отчет към 30.09.2024 г.

With regard to the requirements of Ordinance № 2 of FSC as of 17.09.2003 of FSC ON THE PROSPECTUSES TO BE PUBLISHED WHEN SECURITIES ARE OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC OR ADMITTED TO TRADING ON A REGULATED MARKET AND ON DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION BY THE PUBLIC COMPANIES AND THE OTHER ISSUERS OF SECURITIES we would like hereby to inform that BILLBOARD AD has signed contracts and discloses regulated information regarding the company to the public through:
1. the electronic platform EXTRI NEWS – http://www.x3news.com, owned by Financial Markets Service Ltd. with PIC: 131455253, having its registered seat and business address at 10 Tri ushi St., 1303 Sofia represented by Rumen Sokolov - General Manager;
2. the electronic media INVESTOR BG - www.investor.bg, owned by INVESTOR.BG AD with PIC: 130277328, having its registered seat and business address at 31 Vazkresenie Blvd. 1330 Sofia and
3. the electronic media INFOSTOCK BG – www.infostock.bg, owned by INFOSTOCK AD with PIC: 203104650, having its registered seat and business address at No1 Alexander Batenberg Str., 1000 Sofia, represented by Atanas Todorov Angelov – Executive Director.
The company discloses regulated information to The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) through the integrated system for disclosure of information in an electronic way E–Register as the information is available on the website of FSC - www.fsc.bg.