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Important Decisions Adopted by the Shareholders at the Regular Attendance Session of the General Assembly of the Shareholders of BILLBOARD Plc
The shareholders of BILLBOARD Plc adopted the following important decisions at the regular attendance session of the company’s General Assembly of the Shareholders, held on June 22nd 2010 at 10:30 a.m.:
1. The General Assembly of Shareholders approved the Annual Reports (individual and consolidated) of the Board of Directors on the company’s activities for the year 2009, the Audited Annual Financial Reports of the company for the year 2009 (individual and consolidated) and the respective reports of the certified auditor, the Report on the activities of the company’s Audit Committee for the year 2009, as well as the Annual Report on the activities of the Investor Relations Director of BILLBOARD Plc for the year 2009.
2. The General Assembly of Shareholders adopted a decision not to distribute money dividend among the shareholders as the company’s net profit to the amount of BGN 641 731.31, generated during 2009 to be taken as a non-distributed profit.
3. The General Assembly of Shareholders released from responsibility the members of the Board of Directors for their activities during 2009.
4. The General Assembly of Shareholders reelected the members of the company’s Board of Directors – Stefan Genchev, Kalin Genchev and Rumen Radev for a new 5-year mandate.
5. The General Assembly of the Shareholders reelected the company’s Audit Committee – Petar Doynov Doynov – Chairperson of the Audit Committee, Daniela Iltcheva Peeva – member of the Audit Committee and Stanimir Stefanov Genchev for a new 2-year mandate.
6. The General Assembly of Shareholders elected the specialized audit company „HLB BULGARIA" Ltd., with its registered seat at No 149-151 Konstantin Velichkov blvd., filed under No 017 with the Register of the Certified Public Accountants Institute to be the company’s certified auditor for the year 2010 according to the presenter recommendation of the Audit Committee.
Междинен консолидиран финансов отчет към 30.09.2024 г.
БИЛБОРД АД представи на КФН, БФБ-София АД и обществеността междинен консолидиран финансов отчет към 30.09.2024 г.
Междинен индивидуален финансов отчет към 30.09.2024 г.
БИЛБОРД АД представи на КФН, БФБ-София АД и обществеността междинен индивидуален финансов отчет към 30.09.2024 г.
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